Tiếng anh


GRADE 11 – Week: 15 – Period: 44


Lesson: Writing

ASEAN member states: brief introductions


Act. 1. New words and expressions

elongated (adj.) UK /ˈiː.lɒŋ.ɡeɪtid/ US /ɪˈlɑːŋ.ɡeɪt/: longer and thinner than usual:

(thon dài)

cover a land area of /ˈkʌvər ə lænd ˈeərɪə ɒv /: bao gồm một diện tích đất

with a population of / wɪð ə ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃən ɒv /:với dân số

male-orientated (a) / meɪl-ˈɔːriənteɪtɪd /: dành cho nam giới

brochure (n)/ ˈbrəʊʃjʊə /: type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company: (tập sách nhỏ, tập gấp về du lịch. tập sách nhỏ (quảng cáo).

marine (adj.): UK /məˈriːn/ ; US /məˈriːn/: related to the sea or sea transport: (thuộc biển, gần biển)

Act. 2. (1.p.64.textbook) Read the following information about Viet Nam. Fill the gaps with the correct words or phrases in the box.

1. land area

2. income

3. Vovinam

4. family values

5. Heritage Sites

Act. 3. (2.p.65.textbook) Read the extract from a short brochure introducing Viet Nam. Match the subheadings (1-5) with the paragraphs (a-e).

a.4 b.5 c.2 d.3 e.1

Act. 4. (3.p.65.textbook) Brochures are often used to inform people and include information texts. Read some features of an information text and the brochure above. Work with a partner and find examples of each feature.

1. An information text consists of several paragraphs.

a. Shaped like an elongated S, Viet Nam covers a land area of 331,212 km2. Its population is about 93,000,000 million people, most of whom speak Vietnamese. The capital is Ha Noi. – Area and Population

b. Viet Nam’s economy has developed rapidly. Becoming a leading agricultural exporter, its main export products include crude oil, marine products, rice, and coffee. Currently, Viet Nam is a lower-middle-income country. – Economy

c. Popular sports in Viet Nam are football, cycling, boxing, swimming, badminton, tennis, aerobics and Vovinam. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and hold high ranks in many sports. – Sports

d. Being one of the oldest cultures in the region, Viet Nam is known for ancestor worship. The Vietnamese appreciate family values and education. Viet Nam is home to 54 ethnic groups with their own languages, lifestyles, and customs. – Culture

e. Viet Nam attracts millions of visitors from around the world. Tourist attractions include not only World Heritage Sites like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An Ancient Town. The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country’s magic charm. – Tourist attractions

2. It uses impersonal language and present tenses to describe precise facts and figures.

Shaped like an elongated S, Viet Nam covers a land area of 331,212 km2. Its population is about 93,000,000 million people, most of whom speak Vietnamese. The capital is Ha Noi.

3. Each paragraph has a subheading and deals with a different aspect of the topic.

Viet Nam’s economy has developed rapidly. Becoming a leading agricultural exporter, its main export products include crude oil, marine products, rice, and coffee. Currently, Viet Nam is a lower-middle-income country. – Economy

4. Important information is highlighted to attract readers’ attention.

Ex: Popular sports in Viet Nam are football, cycling, boxing, swimming, badminton, tennis, aerobics and Vovinam. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and hold high ranks in many sports.

Shaped like an elongated S, Viet Nam covers a land area of 331,212 km2. Its population is about 93,000,000 million people, most of whom speak Vietnamese. The capital is Ha Noi.Act. 5. (4.p.65.textbook) Write about a short brochure (160-180 words) introducing an ASEAN country. Use the information about Indonesia below or a different ASEAN country of your choice.

The Republic of Indonesia

a. islands: about 17,508; land area: 1,904,569 km2 ; population: over 237 million: world′s fourth most populous country; capital: Jakarta, official language: Indonesian

b. the largest economy in Southeast Asia; tourism: big role in economy; 2013: tourist sector contributed about US$9 billion; Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China, Japan: top five sources of visitors

c. sports: generally male-orientated; most popular: badminton, football; traditional sports: Sepak Takraw, Pencak Silat

d. diverse culture: over 300 ethnic groups; influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures; Western cultures’ influences: seen in science, technology, modern entertainment.

e. tourist attractions: islands, beautiful views; popular destinations: beaches of Bali, Lombok, wonderful islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan; museums, monuments, gardens in capital


+ Learn new words and expressions.

+ Do Act.4 (page 65) in your notebook.

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Tiến Đạt

Tiến Đạt - Founder của Hdcit.edu.vn đã tích luỹ hơn 5 năm quý báu hoạt động trong lĩnh vực Tài Chính - Ngân Hàng. Mình sẵn sàng lan tỏa những kiến thức và kinh nghiệm sâu sắc mà mình đã gom góp được, đem đến cho bạn những thông tin hữu ích và giá trị thiết thực.
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